Ze franks Fabuloso Friday

November 26, 2009 1 comment

One Friday Ze Frank let his viewers (sports racers) tell him what to make his show about!  

The sports racers came up with topics such as : a couple mess ups, fabuloso, world cup, same-sex marriage ban, jupiturd, caffeine, David Beckham, shower, bathroom furnishings, hair gel, campfire songs, democracy, exhausted, buy lots of t-shirts.

Ze Frank had 3 minutes to cover all of the topics his sports racers gave him.  

In his show Ze Frank shows a picture of David Beckham in a coffee shop looking like he is concentrating on something, Ze frank said he was trying to work out if the Earth really could be a sandwich? 

I think Ze Frank is saying David Beckham is not very intelligent and is just someone who has a new ridiculous  hair cut every week and is well over payed considering  his lack of intelligence.

Categories: Media diploma work

Hey :)

November 5, 2009 3 comments

Hey 🙂    

hope you like my blog that i am doing for my creative and media diploma course.   

there will be further reviews and videos soon to be posted so be ready for them.


Categories: Uncategorized